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Minggu, 08 Juni 2014


ABSTRACT Patients of diabetes complications of hypertension, in addition to taking anti-diabetic drugs such as glibenclamide, they also consume a traditional herb for the treatment process. Where it is possible that they are also regularly in consuming Rosella Tea. This study aims to determine the effect of infusion of Rosella tea bags brand "D" on the working power of glibenclamide given 60 minutes before glibenclamide or given simultaneously. This study used 25 male white rats Wistar which is divided into five groups. Group I as a negative control. Group II was given glibenclamide as a positive control dose of 0,45 mg/kg BW. Group III as a Rosella control given the Rosella infusion tea bags dose of 0,36 g/Kg BW. Group IV was given glibenclamide and Rosella infusion tea bags simultaneously. Group V was given glibenclamide 60 minutes after the given of Rosella infusion tea bags. The giving was done per oral where induction using glucose dose of 4,5 g/KgBW for rats experiencing hyperglycemi. Blood sampling via the vein of tail of mice in minutes (-75), (-45), 0, 60, 120, 180, and 240. Blood glucose levels were measured by means of On Call-plus. The effect of blood glucose levels decrease is shown by calculating LDDK0-240. The data obtained were tested statistically with Levene test, Kolmogorof-Smirnov test, and ANOVA with 95% trust level. The study results showed that, the given of glibenclamide simultaneously after giving Rosella infusion tea bags brand "D" dose of 0,36 g/KgBW can reduce the working power of glibenclamide by 22,17%, whereas if glibenclamide was given at intervals of 60 minutes after the giving of Rosella infusion tea bag brand "D" dose of 0,36 g/KgBW may reduce the working power of glibenclamide by 13,20%. Key words: Rosella, glibenclamide, anti-diabetic

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